
I personally benefited from being coached by Jenn and I frequently refer others to her as well. I am so thankful for the months I spent being challenged and encouraged by her. Initially the plan was simply losing the baby weight and getting control of my snacking, but in the end, Jenn helped me to view both food and exercise as a total lifestyle change. What a gift!

Ginger Ciminello

Speaker & Author, Phoenix, AZ, 35 years

I heard about Jenn through a friend who had taken a few of her wellness groups. I was a little intimidated at first because week 1 was so different as far as cutting out dairy and no added sugar. I didn’t realize how much sugar was added to food items! Jenn had great suggestions for meals and snacks. Even if you stray from your plan, Jenn is so encouraging and uplifting. The people in your group are, too! I have now taken two of her wellness groups and it’s a great way to reset your body and mind to healthy eating!

Cara McDonald

Stay at home mom, Norman, Oklahoma

I love Jenn’s approach to health and good decisions. She doesn’t make it all about the number but asks for non-scale victories and always is so encouraging. I love the at-home workouts she posts as well as the suggestions for snacks. Once I get out of my sugar-addict mode, it’s really rewarding to see improvements in progress towards my goals! Thankful for a group like this with a leader so dedicated to seeing her clients succeed!

Haley Williams

Busines owner & mom of two, Kansas City

I cannot even express how much of a positive impact Jenn has had on my life. I have always been someone who is extremely active, but even though I would workout for over an hour a day, I was never able to lose weight. I worked with Jenn for the first time in March 2016, and by the end of the month, I had lost 8 pounds! Not only did I lose weight and feel healthier on the outside, but I could feel that I had more energy and felt just so refreshed. Jenn’s START program really helped me to retrain my mind and body by fueling myself with whole, non-processed foods and eliminating sugar. Don’t get me wrong–it was hard at first, but Jenn’s START program was a lifestyle change for me. Jenn was with me every step of the way too! She constantly was giving me support, answered any questions I had and continuously shared new recipes and workouts for me to try. I would recommend Jenn to anyone who wants to lose weight and reset their minds to eating better.


25, HR Coordinator, Chicago

I have participated in a few of Jenn’s groups and keep coming back for more! The personalized programs, accountability, guidance and support are really imperative to helping stay on track and focused. I’ve recruited a few friends to do a group together a couple times and that has been fun, too, to have the support within the Facebook group but also in person with each other. Jenn is always really helpful throughout the program and always quick to answer questions and help us. I’m very thankful for Jenn and her groups and have been able to make real, permanent changes toward healthy living for myself and my family.

Holly Muzny